Disney Villainous Wiki
Disney Villainous Wiki

Airship is an Item in Ratigan's Villain deck.


A very powerful Item. If timed right, this can let you play The Robot Queen and move it to Buckingham Palace in a single turn. Playing it early is risky, as it's very vulnerable to Basil and Sabotage, but if you have lots of other Items at The Secret Lair anyway, you can try to sneak it in for later.

Ratigan [edit]

The Secret LairFlaversham's Toy ShopBig BenBuckingham Palace

Villain deck
5 Copies:Gears
3 Copies:CaptureRuffians
2 Copies: DeviousExtravagantGreatest Criminal MindMarvelous TrapUniform
1 Copy: AirshipBartholomewBellFeliciaFidgetFidget's ListRoyal RobesThe Robot QueenTools

Fate deck
3 Copies: Queen's Guards
2 Copies: Call for HelpSabotage
1 Copy: BasilDawsonFlavershamMakeshift BalloonMrs. JudsonOliviaThe Mouse QueenToby
