Disney Villainous Wiki

Beauty Sleep is an Effect in Yzma's Villain deck.


  • Yzma can make a decision independently on whether to do each of the three effects Beauty Sleep provides (Power gain, card draw, Hero moving): she can choose to do one, two, all, or none of them.
  • A Cruel Irony can play this if doing so is the first and only action performed on your action.


A niche card. Best used if your board is covered in Heroes and you wouldn't be able to do much anyway. As the only way Yzma can move Heroes, this can help get Kuzco into Kronk's location if Kronk already has some Power. Otherwise, this is discard fodder.

Yzma [edit]

The PalacePacha's HouseThe JungleMudka's Meat Hut

Villain deck
3 Copies: After Them!EavesdropImperial GuardsSmash It with a Hammer
2 Copies:A Cruel IronyBeauty SleepFake FuneralFerocityFinish the JobRight-Hand ManSuperiorityThe Path That Rocks
1 Copy: DaggerKronk

Fate deck
3 Copies: Beware the Groove
2 Copies: PeasantThe Path of RighteousnessWrong Lever
1 Copy:BuckyChacaChichaKuzcoOn the RunPachaTipo
