Disney Villainous Wiki
Disney Villainous Wiki

Capture is an Effect in Ratigan's Villain deck. It can move weak Heroes to The Secret Lair, where there are no actions they can block.


A very useful card, if you have a target for it. If you don't, and you're still searching for The Robot Queen, this is discard fodder. The priority for this is Flaversham, for his Cost reduction, then Olivia and Mrs. Judson, as defeating Olivia is bad, and you don't want Mrs. Judson to come around again.

Ratigan [edit]

The Secret LairFlaversham's Toy ShopBig BenBuckingham Palace

Villain deck
5 Copies:Gears
3 Copies:CaptureRuffians
2 Copies: DeviousExtravagantGreatest Criminal MindMarvelous TrapUniform
1 Copy: AirshipBartholomewBellFeliciaFidgetFidget's ListRoyal RobesThe Robot QueenTools

Fate deck
3 Copies: Queen's Guards
2 Copies: Call for HelpSabotage
1 Copy: BasilDawsonFlavershamMakeshift BalloonMrs. JudsonOliviaThe Mouse QueenToby
