Disney Villainous Wiki
Disney Villainous Wiki
Marvelous Trap

Marvelous Trap, an Item in Ratigan's Villain deck that can defeat Heroes.

When a Hero is defeated, they, and all attached Items, are discarded. The most common way to defeat a Hero is by Vanquishing them, but most Villains have alternate ways of defeating Heroes using Effects or Items.

Official Rules[]

  • "Defeating" a Hero refers to removing that Hero from the top of your Board, either by performing a Vanquish action or by playing a card.
  • "Vanquishing" a Hero refers to using one or more Allies at the Hero's location to defeat it.
  • Card Abilities that allow you to "defeat" a Hero do not require you to discard Allies or perform a Vanquish action.

List of cards that can defeat Heroes[]

Card Gallery[]

A Snake Am I Air Strike! Bio Probe Binding Contract Devilish Dragon Form Duplicity Ferocity Hunter's Instinct Hypnotize I'll Make the Rules Malice Marvelous Trap Midnight Off With Your Head! Outrage Sure to Pick Up His Trail Take a Bite We Got You Now, Pig Keeper You Little Thief!

List of cards that react to defeating Heroes[]

Card Gallery[]

Arrogance Baloo Bats Bio Probe Crown (Mother Gothel) Devilish Duplicity Ferocity Fury Golden Arrow Illusion Powder Malice Nessus Obsession Rage Ralph's Hero Medal Spiders Spinning Wheel Talisman Trident Where's Your Kid Now?

List of Fate cards with on-defeat Abilities[]

Multiple Heroes in Dr. Facilier's and Syndrome's Fate decks can steal a specific Villain card, and return it when defeated, and are not enumerated here. Gurgi has an Ability when he is defeated in a Vanquish action, but not when otherwise defeated.

Card Gallery[]

Abu Aladdin Ball Gown Cinderella Beast Cheshire Cat Doctor Finkelstein Eudora Flynn Rider Force Field Hen Wen Little John Maid Marian Maurice Mufasa Olivia Rafiki's Stick Steal from the Rich The Mayor of Halloween Town Toby (Prince John)

Game Mechanics [edit]

Rules: GameplaySetupTurn

Materials: Villain deckFate deckBoardMoverTokensVillain Guide

Concepts: ActionLocationRealmObjectivePower

Keywords: DefeatDiscardDrawFindLook atMoveReveal

Card Properties: AbilityCostStrengthType

Card Archetypes: ArcherBruteInvincibleScavengerTaunterTrophy
