Disney Villainous Wiki
Disney Villainous Wiki

Fidget is an Ally in Ratigan's Villain deck. He brings out Flaversham from the Fate deck, who can decrease the Cost of The Robot Queen if he's later Captured.


With high Strength for his cost, he comes with what at first seems like a downside, pulling out a Hero into your Realm. However, Flaversham can be Captured to reduce the Cost of The Robot Queen. Practically, this only reduces the Cost of The Robot Queen by 1 Power, but it does leave you with a decent Ally on the board as well, and the 2 Power spent can't be stolen by Mrs. Judson. Remember that Fidget doesn't have to be played to Flaversham's Toy Shop himself.

Ratigan [edit]

The Secret LairFlaversham's Toy ShopBig BenBuckingham Palace

Villain deck
5 Copies:Gears
3 Copies:CaptureRuffians
2 Copies: DeviousExtravagantGreatest Criminal MindMarvelous TrapUniform
1 Copy: AirshipBartholomewBellFeliciaFidgetFidget's ListRoyal RobesThe Robot QueenTools

Fate deck
3 Copies: Queen's Guards
2 Copies: Call for HelpSabotage
1 Copy: BasilDawsonFlavershamMakeshift BalloonMrs. JudsonOliviaThe Mouse QueenToby
