Disney Villainous Wiki
Disney Villainous Wiki
Flaversham's Toy Shop

Flaversham's Toy Shop is the center-left location in Ratigan's Realm. Fidget finds and plays Flaversham here when he is played.


Flaversham's Toy Shop contains the following actions:

Identical locations[]

The following locations in other Realms have the same actions in the same rows:

Ratigan [edit]

The Secret LairFlaversham's Toy ShopBig BenBuckingham Palace

Villain deck
5 Copies:Gears
3 Copies:CaptureRuffians
2 Copies: DeviousExtravagantGreatest Criminal MindMarvelous TrapUniform
1 Copy: AirshipBartholomewBellFeliciaFidgetFidget's ListRoyal RobesThe Robot QueenTools

Fate deck
3 Copies: Queen's Guards
2 Copies: Call for HelpSabotage
1 Copy: BasilDawsonFlavershamMakeshift BalloonMrs. JudsonOliviaThe Mouse QueenToby
