Disney Villainous Wiki

Forest of Thorns is a Curse in Maleficent's Villain deck.


Forest of Thorns is the cheapest Curse, and thus the easiest to get on the board, but it's also the easiest to get rid of, with four Heroes in Maleficent's Fate deck with enough Strength to discard it on play. However, it does keep the weaker Heroes away, so try to play Forest of Thorns to locations where you consistently use the top row of actions.

Maleficent (I2E) [edit]

Forbidden MountainsBriar Rose's CottageThe ForestKing Stefan's Castle

Villain deck
3 Copies: Cackling GoonDragon FormForest of Thorns (I2E) • Green Fire (I2E) • Savage GoonSinister GoonVanish
2 Copies:Dreamless Sleep (I2E) • Malice (I2E) • Tyranny
1 Copy: Raven (I2E) • Spinning WheelStaff

Fate deck
3 Copies: GuardsSword of Truth (I2E)
2 Copies: Once Upon a Dream
1 Copy: AuroraFaunaFloraKing HubertKing StefanMerryweather (I2E) • Prince Phillip
