Disney Villainous Wiki
Crown (Ursula)

Crown, an Item in Ursula's Villain deck.

Item is a card type. It appears in both Villain and Fate decks, and is denoted with a blue font. Some Items can be played to the bottom of a Villain's board, in a particular location, while others must be attached to an Ally or Hero.

Official Rules[]

  • Item cards appear in both the Villain deck and the Fate deck and have an Ability that affects other cards or actions.
  • To play an Item from the Villain deck, pay its Cost (shown in the upper left corner) and place the card below any unlocked location in your Realm, unless the card says to attach it to an Ally.
  • If an Item says to attach it to an Ally, you must place the Item under an Ally in your Realm.
  • If there are no Allies in your Realm to attach the Item to, you may not play that Item.
  • If an Ally with an Item attached is moved or discarded, all attached Items are moved or discarded with them.
  • All Items from the Fate deck are attached to a Hero. To play an Item from the Fate deck, place the card under a Hero.
  • If there are no Heroes you can attach the Item to, you may not play that Item.
  • If a Hero with an Item attached is moved or discarded, all attached Items are moved or discarded with them.


  • Unless its Ability specifically forbids it, an Item that does not attach to an Ally or Hero can always be played, even if its on-play Ability cannot be fully resolved.
  • Attached Items cannot be moved by the Move an Item or Ally action.
  • Multiple items can be attached to a single Ally or Hero, even duplicate items.
  • If an Ally or Hero is in the Realm with attached Items when a card instructs you to find it, that Ally/Hero is removed from their current location, all attached Items are discarded, and they are then played to the specified location.
Types of Cards [edit]

Common Types

Unique Types
