Disney Villainous Wiki
Jolly Roger

Jolly Roger is the leftmost location in Captain Hook's Realm. Peter Pan must be defeated here for Captain Hook to win.


Jolly Roger contains the following actions:

Captain Hook (I2E) [edit]

Jolly RogerSkull RockMermaid LagoonHangman's Tree/Lost Boys' Hideout

Villain deck
3 Copies: Boarding PartyGive Them a ScareSwashbucklerWorthy Opponent
2 Copies:Aye, Aye, Sir!CannonCunning (I2E) • CutlassHook's CaseObsession (I2E) • Pirate Brute
1 Copy: Mr. StarkeyIngenious DeviceNever Land Map/Neverland MapSmee

Fate deck
3 Copies: Pixie Dust
2 Copies: Lost BoysSplitting HeadacheTaunt
1 Copy: JohnMichaelPeter Pan (I2E) • Tick TockTinker Bell (I2E) • Wendy
