Disney Villainous Wiki
Disney Villainous Wiki
King Candy

"Welcome to the boss level!"

King Candy is one of two playable Villains in the Villainous expansion, Sugar and Spite. He is from the movie Wreck-It Ralph, released in 2012, in which he is voiced by Alan Tudyk.

King Candy has a unique Realm setup which he moves through uniquely: his actions are placed along a figure-eight racetrack, and his mover can move forward one to four actions each turn, starting the game at a special Start/Finish action. After moving, he may perform the action he is on, as well as the actions immediately in front of and behind him. Heroes can cover parts of the racetrack or change how many actions forward he can move.


Racer token

Vanellope's Racer token.

King Candy must cross the finish line (marked by the Start/Finish action) while Vanellope von Schweetz is in his Realm, and trapped in a Glitch, before Vanellope's Racer token finishes. To do this, he must first get Vanellope into his Realm, either by being Fated, or by playing Ralph's Hero Medal and then defeating Wreck-It Ralph. Then, he must play a Glitch attached to Vanellope, which moves him and Vanellope's Racer token to the Start/Finish action. The Racer token covers the action it is on, blocking it from King Candy's usage.

From that point on, King Candy and the Racer token will move forward each turn, and Villain and Fate cards can move both of them forward or back. King Candy wins if he crosses Start/Finish before the Racer token. If the Racer token finishes first, all Glitches are removed from Vanellope and returned to King Candy's hand, and the Racer token is removed. He will then need to attach another Glitch to Vanellope to begin the race again. It is possible for either King Candy or the Racer token to be moved back past the Start/Finish action, in which case their race gets much quicker!


King Candymover

King Candy's mover.

King Candy's Realm has a single location: Sugar Rush Speedway. He moves through the actions in that location in order, though he only ever has access to at most three actions at once per turn. His actions are, from start to finish:

Actions marked with * are top-row and can be covered by a Hero. The Gain 3 Power action is at the cross of the figure-eight, and is passed over twice during a lap. The final Discard Cards action leads into the Start/Finish action again.

King Candy's Realm.

Villain deck[]

King Candy Villain Back

King Candy's Villain deck card back.

The following cards are in King Candy's Villain deck:

These include 9 total Allies (Candy Cy-Bug; Duncan and Wynnchel; Racers; Sour Bill; Taffyta Muttonfudge), 4 total Conditions (Out of Order; The Most Powerful Virus in the Arcade), 13 total Effects (Can't Be Allowed to Race; Go!; Have Some Candy; Locked Up Memories; Pay to Race; Turbo-Tastic), and 4 total Items (Glitch; Ralph's Hero Medal).

Card Gallery[]

3 Copies:

Candy Cy-Bug Glitch Go! Locked Up Memories Racers Turbo-Tastic

2 Copies:

Have Some Candy Out of Order The Most Powerful Virus in the Arcade

1 Copy:

Can't Be Allowed to Race Duncan and Wynnchel Pay to Race Ralph's Hero Medal Sour Bill Taffyta Muttonfudge

Fate deck[]

King Candy Fate Back

King Candy's Fate deck card back.

The following cards are in King Candy's Fate deck:

These include 11 total Effects (I Finally Have a Real Car!; Just Glazed Me; Princess Vanellope; The Beacon; Unfinished Level; Vanellope's Medal; What's With All the Magic Sparkles?), and 4 Heroes (Fix-It Felix Jr.; Sergeant Tamora Jean Calhoun; Vanellope von Schweetz; Wreck-It Ralph).

Card Gallery[]

2 Copies:

I Finally Have a Real Car! Just Glazed Me Princess Vanellope Unfinished Level

1 Copy:

Fix-It Felix Jr. Sergeant Tamora Jean Calhoun The Beacon Vanellope von Schweetz Vanellope's Medal What's With All the Magic Sparkles? Wreck-It Ralph


King Candy is one of the trickier Villains to play as, due entirely to his idiosyncratic Realm. If he chooses to hit the brakes, he can Fate turn after turn with little an opponent can do to prevent it, but there is also a long stretch of his racetrack where he cannot Fate at all, regardless of whether there are Heroes around. Knowing when to speed up and when to slow down is key to mastering this sickly sweet sovereign.

One thing that you must do with all haste, however, is find Ralph's Hero Medal - your game simply cannot progress without it. Unlike other Hero-focused Villains, your opponent cannot be forced to give you Vanellope von Schweetz; you must find her yourself, and to do that, you must defeat Wreck-It Ralph while he's holding the Medal. Discard often, and use Have Some Candy at every opportunity. Sour Bill can also be helpful, both for filtering the Medal up to the top of your deck, as well as finding the Allies you will need to get rid of Ralph once you find him. Once you find Ralph, vanquish him, either with your single action that does so, or with Duncan and Wynnchel's ability. If you don't have Duncan and Wynnchel, you'll need to time your movement along your racetrack so that you hit your Vanquish action as soon as you're ready.

Once the big lug is gone, Vanellope will enter your Realm. Now remember that she'll be stuck there for the rest of your game, so you need to choose which location you want to stay covered, and thus, which location to play Ralph's Hero Medal to. Generally one of the center locations is the least offensive, but if you're facing a slower Villain, it might be alright to cover one of your three Fate actions.

With Vanellope in play, you need to give her a Glitch; you have three copies, and by the time you've beaten Ralph you will likely have drawn into one. There is no downside to playing multiple Glitches, and in fact you are incentivized to, so that What's With All the Magic Sparkles? doesn't screw you over. Once Vanellope is Glitched, the race begins. You just need to complete a circuit of your Realm before the Racer token does. You have several cards that will move the Racer token back, though be careful not to push her back past the Finish line. More important is pushing yourself forward, and for that Pay to Race is your most essential tool. Save up Power for it, so you can get the most out of it. Out of Order can fish it back out of the discard pile for a second play, which will usually be enough to clinch the game. The Most Powerful Virus in the Arcade can also help with this, but is not nearly as reliable, and will depend on your opponent, who will probably stop moving things once they see you've started your race.

Remember that how fast Vanellope goes is dependent on the cost of the top card of your deck, so Sour Bill can be very important in making sure you're not screwed over by Can't Be Allowed to Race getting revealed.

Once you cross the Start/Finish line with a Glitched Vanellope, you've won! Just make sure to pay attention to what your opponent is doing, and not forget to Fate if they're closer to their objective than you are.

To counter King Candy, the best way is getting his Heroes in play. Sergeant Tamora Jean Calhoun is a constant drain on his Power, and Fix-It Felix Jr. slows him down and prevents him from spamming his good actions. Once the race has begun, his Fate Effects become a lot more potent, letting you push him back and Vanellope's racer forward. Keep Vanellope ahead of him, as he will have to start the race all over again if she crosses Start/Finish before he does.

King Candy [edit]

Sugar Rush Speedway

Villain deck
3 Copies: Candy Cy-BugGlitchGo!Locked Up MemoriesRacersTurbo-Tastic
2 Copies: Have Some CandyOut of OrderThe Most Powerful Virus in the Arcade
1 Copy: Can't Be Allowed to RaceDuncan and WynnchelPay to RaceRalph's Hero MedalSour BillTaffyta Muttonfudge

Fate deck
2 Copies: I Finally Have a Real Car!Just Glazed MePrincess VanellopeUnfinished Level
1 Copy: Fix-It Felix Jr.Sergeant Tamora Jean CalhounThe BeaconVanellope von SchweetzVanellope's MedalWhat's With All the Magic Sparkles?Wreck-It Ralph

Villains [edit]

The Worst Takes It All/Introduction to Evil
Captain Hook (I2E) • JafarMaleficent (I2E) • Prince John (I2E) • Queen of HeartsUrsula (I2E)

Wicked to the Core
Dr. FacilierEvil QueenHades

Evil Comes Prepared

Perfectly Wretched
Cruella De VilMother GothelPete

Despicable Plots
GastonHorned KingLady Tremaine

Bigger and Badder
LotsoMadam MimSyndrome

Filled With Fright
Oogie Boogie

Sugar and Spite
King CandyShere Khan
