Disney Villainous Wiki
Disney Villainous Wiki

A Villain's Mover is the colored resin figurine that represents your Villain. They start the game on the left-most location, and at the start of each turn you move your Villain Mover to a different location. You may move to any location in your Realm, as long as it is not locked. You may not stay at your previous location. The location where the Villain Mover is standing determines the actions that can be performed during the turn.


  • Some cards reference the Villain by name for certain actions or restrictions; these cards reference the Villain Mover.

Gallery of Movers[]

Captain Hookmover Cruella De Vilmover Dr Faciliermover Evil Queenmover Gastonmover Hadesmover Horned Kingmover Jafarmover Lady TremainemoverMaleficentmover Mother Gothelmover Petemover Prince Johnmover Queen of Heartsmover Ratiganmover Scarmover Ursulamover Yzmamover

Game Mechanics [edit]

Rules: GameplaySetupTurn

Materials: Villain deckFate deckBoardMoverTokensVillain Guide

Concepts: ActionLocationRealmObjectivePower

Keywords: DefeatDiscardDrawFindLook atMoveReveal

Card Properties: AbilityCostStrengthType

Card Archetypes: ArcherBruteInvincibleScavengerTaunterTrophy
