Disney Villainous Wiki

Neverland Map is an Item in Captain Hook's Villain deck. It is one of his ways to find Peter Pan, but must be discarded to be able to move him towards the Jolly Roger.


If you are not fated, struggle to mill your Fate deck with other cards, or if Peter Pan is discarded during a Fate action, this is your last resort. Using the Map will be slow compared to other ways to find Peter, as you will have to use your Allies against other Heroes.

If a Taunt is attached to Peter, and only Peter, while the Map is out, you will have to vanquish him at Lost Boy's Hideout to discard Neverland Map, then start your search for him all over again.

Captain Hook (I2E) [edit]

Jolly RogerSkull RockMermaid LagoonHangman's Tree/Lost Boys' Hideout

Villain deck
3 Copies: Boarding PartyGive Them a ScareSwashbucklerWorthy Opponent
2 Copies:Aye, Aye, Sir!CannonCunning (I2E) • CutlassHook's CaseObsession (I2E) • Pirate Brute
1 Copy: Mr. StarkeyIngenious DeviceNever Land Map/Neverland MapSmee

Fate deck
3 Copies: Pixie Dust
2 Copies: Lost BoysSplitting HeadacheTaunt
1 Copy: JohnMichaelPeter Pan (I2E) • Tick TockTinker Bell (I2E) • Wendy
