Disney Villainous Wiki

Objectives for some Villains.

Each Villain has a different Objective they must achieve to win the game. Each objective is unique to the story of the movie from which the villain hails from. A Villain's Objective is printed on the bottom left corner of their board.

There are two type of Objectives, those that are fulfilled immediately after an action, and those that are fulfilled at the start of the turn.

Immediate objectives[]

These winning conditions are met as soon as the action is done successfully.

Captain Hook[]

Defeat Peter Pan at the Jolly Roger. In order to do this, he must play Peter Pan from his Fate deck (by opponents Fating him, or by playing Obsession or Worthy Opponent) and unlock Hangman's Tree (in no particular order), then move Peter Pan one location at a time until he reaches the Jolly Roger, and defeat him there.

Dr. Facilier[]

Control the Talisman and successfully Rule New Orleans. Dr. Facilier is unique because during the game, he and his opponents will put cards into a Fortune pile. When he plays The Cards Will Tell, cards will be revealed from the Fortune pile, and he will receive the rewards or consequences of those cards. To achieve his objective, he must reveal the card Rule New Orleans from the Fortune pile. However, he must also control the Talisman.

Evil Queen[]

Defeat Snow White. In order to do this, she must unlock the Dwarfs' Cottage by playing four different Ingredients. She will also need to Brew Poison, which is used to defeat Heroes in her realm, including Snow White. Snow White must be played, either by her, or by an opponent. Finally, she will need to play Take a Bite when she is at Snow White's location in order to defeat her and win the game.


Remove all 8 Obstacles.

Horned King[]

Have Cauldron Born in each location. In order to do this, you need to claim the The Black Cauldron, play at least 4 Ancient Soldiers, Activate The Black Cauldron with Ancient Soldiers or play Our Hour Has Arrived to flip it to The Power of The Black Cauldron, and at the start of your turn pay 2 Power to replace Ancient Soldiers with Cauldron Born.

King Candy[]

Pass Start/Finish with a Glitch attached to Vanellope von Schweetz. In order to do this, you need to have Vanellope von Schweetz played to your Realm, whether via a Fate action, Trickery, or by defeating Wreck-It Ralph with Ralph's Hero Medal attached to him. Once Vanellope's in your Realm, you must attach Glitch to her, then both King Candy and the Racer Token will go to the Start/Finish action. While Glitch is attached to Vanellope, at the beginning of each turn, you must reveal a card from the top of your deck, then move the Racer Token forward that card's Cost plus 2 action spaces. Once King Candy passes the Start/Finish action before the Racer Token, you win the game; otherwise, the Racer Token is removed from the board and any attached Glitches are returned to your hand.

Lady Tremaine[]

Marry Drizella or Anastasia to The Prince.


Have 4 Heroes with 0 Strength and Buzz Lightyear in the Caterpillar Room.

Madam Mim[]

Defeat all of Merlin's Transformations

Oogie Boogie[]

Defeat Jack Skellington. In order to do this, he must successfully (on a dice result of 7 or more) play Impostor Sandy Claws 4 times, which results in Sandy Claws being removed from the game and Jack Skellington being played to Oogie Boogie's Lair. Jack Skellington cannot be played as a Hero from the Fate deck; instead, he is played as an Effect that discards an Impostor Sandy Claws from the pile.


Complete the four selected Goals. The following Goals have immediate completion:

  • Power Play: Spend at least 6 Power in one turn while Pete is at this location. This can be done by playing at least three Bandits using one Play a Card action, or by playing multiple expensive cards at either Podunk Landing or a location with Jalopy (depending on where the Goal is), or a mix of these.
  • Win Big: Gain at least 4 Power from playing Play a Game at this location. This is mainly down to luck, but he can stack the odds in his favor with Mischief and Sneaky Pete, and by keeping Oswald the Lucky Rabbit out of his Realm.

If one of these is his last Goal, Pete immediately wins.

Queen of Hearts[]

Have a Wicket at each location and successfully Take the Shot. In order to do this she must play Card Guards and convert them into Wickets, and move them as needed until she has at least one Wicket at each location in her Realm, and then successfully play Take the Shot.


If The Robot Queen is discarded, Ratigan must defeat Basil. He can do this with Allies and a Vanquish action, or with a Marvelous Trap.

Shere Khan[]

Defeat Mowgli when there are no Fire Tokens in his Realm. In order to do this, Mowgli must be played to your Realm, whether via a Fate action, Deception, Trickery, or by playing Sure to Pick Up His Trail. Then, Shere Khan must defeat Mowgli in a Vanquish action or by playing Sure to Pick Up His Trail. But before Mowgli can be defeated, Shere Khan must remove any and all Fire Tokens in his Realm by activating Monkeys or by playing It's Me, Shere Khan.


Syndrome must activate Syndrome's Remote while at Omnidroid v.10's location to defeat it, then clear his Realm of Heroes. To do this, he must first upgrade his Omnidroid v.X8 to Omnidroid v.X9, then to Omnidroid v.10, using them in Vanquish actions and removing Major Modifications from his Realm. He can use 15 Years Later or Mirage to find Heroes for his Omnidroids to Vanquish, or wait until an opponent Fates him. To defeat Heroes, he can use his Omnidroids, his many Allies, and Bio Probe.


Defeat Kuzco using Kronk. She must find Kuzco in her four Fate decks and play him. She must play Kronk, keep him on her side, and use him to defeat Kuzco. Since Kuzco is stronger than Kronk, she will also additionally need either Dagger or Imperial Guards.

Start of the turn objectives[]

These winning conditions are met at the start of the turn, before any actions are done and before the Villain Mover has had a chance to be moved.

Cruella De Vil[]

Start her turn with at least 99 captured puppies. To do this, she must bring puppies into her Realm using Cruel, Flashlight, Here, Puppies, and Horace, and then capture them using Bought and Paid For, Horace, and Jasper.


Start his turn with at least three Titans at Mount Olympus. To do this, he must play Titans to The Underworld and move them across his realm to Mount Olympus. Trapped Titans do not count toward this.


Start his turn with the Magic Lamp at Sultan's Palace and Genie under your control. In order to do this he must unlock the Cave of Wonders with the Scarab Pendant, then play the Magic Lamp to the Cave of Wonders, which will automatically play the Genie to the same location. Then, in no particular order, he must Hypnotize Genie, which places him under his control, and move the Magic Lamp to the Sultan's Palace on the Villain side of the Realm.


Start her turn with a Curse at each location. In order to do this she must play Curse cards and move them as needed so she has at least one Curse at each location in her Realm.

Mother Gothel[]

Start her turn with at least 10 Trust. She accumulates Trust with a variety of cards: playing and moving Hair Brush, playing I Love You Most, Let Down Your Hair, and Misdirection, and defeating Heroes with Crown, Knife, and Revenge. She wants to avoid leaving Rapunzel at Corona, or else she will lose Trust every turn.


Complete the four selected Goals. The following Goals must be completed at the start of his turn:

  • Round Up: Start your turn with Allies totaling at least 10 Strength at this location.
  • Rule the Realm: Start your turn with more Allies than Heroes at each location.
  • Strike It Rich: Start your turn with at least three Items at this location.

He can accomplish these by playing and moving the relevant cards as needed. Horse and Steamboat Willie can help move cards into position, Jalopy can let you play more cards, and Cricket can move on its own.

Prince John[]

Start his turn with at least 20 Power. In order to do this he must collect Power so he has at least 20 Power.


Start his turn with The Robot Queen at Buckingham Palace. To do this, he must find The Robot Queen, accumulate 15 Power (or enough Cost-reducing Items, namely Gears and Tools), play it, then move it to Buckingham Palace. Airship and/or Ruffians can speed up the movement.


Start his turn with at least 15 Strength in the Succession pile. He must first find and defeat Mufasa, then defeat enough other Heroes to have at least 15 Strength in the Succession pile. Long Live the King and Whisper can get Heroes into his Realm in order to be defeated.


Start her turn with the Trident and the Crown at Ursula's Lair. In order to do this she must play, in no particular order, the Trident and the Crown, then move them as needed so she has them at the Villain's side of Ursula's Lair. When the Trident is played, it will automatically play King Triton to the same location, who well then take the Trident. King Triton must then be defeated in order to move the Trident back to the Villain side of the Realm.


  • There are several cards that allow performing actions before a Villain moves; these will never have priority over checking for a winning condition. Checking for a winning condition is the first thing that is done at the start of the turn.
  • It is not necessary to defeat all Heroes in your Realm in order to achieve your Objective, only those required by the Objective.
  • The placement of the Villain Mover is not a requirement for your Objective; it can be at any location when the Objective is met.
Game Mechanics [edit]

Rules: GameplaySetupTurn

Materials: Villain deckFate deckBoardMoverTokensVillain Guide

Concepts: ActionLocationRealmObjectivePower

Keywords: DefeatDiscardDrawFindLook atMoveReveal

Card Properties: AbilityCostStrengthType

Card Archetypes: ArcherBruteInvincibleScavengerTaunterTrophy
