Disney Villainous Wiki

On the Run is an Effect in Yzma's Fate deck.


The best target for this is Kuzco, to get him out of harm's way, but it can also be worth it to shuffle back in another Hero if you think Yzma has figured out where Kuzco is hiding. If Yzma finds this, it is definitely a priority for Smash It with a Hammer, or something to be avoided by using Superiority.

Yzma [edit]

The PalacePacha's HouseThe JungleMudka's Meat Hut

Villain deck
3 Copies: After Them!EavesdropImperial GuardsSmash It with a Hammer
2 Copies:A Cruel IronyBeauty SleepFake FuneralFerocityFinish the JobRight-Hand ManSuperiorityThe Path That Rocks
1 Copy: DaggerKronk

Fate deck
3 Copies: Beware the Groove
2 Copies: PeasantThe Path of RighteousnessWrong Lever
1 Copy:BuckyChacaChichaKuzcoOn the RunPachaTipo
