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Disney Villainous Wiki

Only Moments Away From Victory is a Condition in Horned King's Villain deck.



Very powerful if you can get it to trigger, saving you both a Play a Card action and 3 Power, and also letting you immediately convert the Ancient Soldiers you play into a Cauldron Born when your turn starts. However, as it has to be played at the exact instant an opponent plays an Item, it's a little difficult to pull off. Unless you're certain that it will trigger, don't hold onto this for more than a turn or two, as the time you spend waiting will cost you more than just sucking it up and paying 3 Power to play Ancient Soldiers normally. If you have multiple Ancient Soldiers in hand, you can play one normally, and hold out with the other(s), but if you only have one, just play it.

Of your possible opponents:

Of course, this Condition can still trigger if an opponent plays Dyrnwyn on you, but your opponent should also know this and will usually pick the other option.

Horned King [edit]

MorvaFair Folk KingdomDungeonsThrone Room

Villain deck
5 Copies: Ancient SoldiersCauldron Born
3 Copies: Horned King's Henchmen
2 Copies: GwythaintsOnly Moments Away From VictoryOur Hour Has ArrivedShow Me the Black CauldronVisionsWe Got You Now, Pig KeeperWe Have Made a Bargain
1 Copy: Captured!CreeperGuard Dog
Tile: The Black Cauldron

Fate deck
2 Copies: I Believe in YouReunited
1 Copy: DoliDyrnwynFair FolkFflewddur FflamGurgiGurgi's Happy DayGurgi's Sacrifice Hen WenPrincess EilonwyTaranThe Witches of Morva
