Disney Villainous Wiki

Prince Phillip is a Hero in Maleficent's Fate deck.


The highest-Strength Hero in Maleficent's Fate deck, Prince Phillip's main use is taking out the Raven, though discarding a Goon or three is pretty nice, too. He can also protect Flora or Merryweather from being Vanquished.

Previous versions[]

First printing.

Maleficent (I2E) [edit]

Forbidden MountainsBriar Rose's CottageThe ForestKing Stefan's Castle

Villain deck
3 Copies: Cackling GoonDragon FormForest of Thorns (I2E) • Green Fire (I2E) • Savage GoonSinister GoonVanish
2 Copies:Dreamless Sleep (I2E) • Malice (I2E) • Tyranny
1 Copy: Raven (I2E) • Spinning WheelStaff

Fate deck
3 Copies: GuardsSword of Truth (I2E)
2 Copies: Once Upon a Dream
1 Copy: AuroraFaunaFloraKing HubertKing StefanMerryweather (I2E) • Prince Phillip
