Disney Villainous Wiki

Royal Robes is an Item in Ratigan's Villain deck.


A great Item that pays for itself after one Activation. While Ratigan's other Activatable Items have specific, narrow uses (e.g. Bell finds Felicia), Royal Robes can be used throughout the game, as long as another Activation doesn't need to take priority (e.g. Fidget's List if you're still looking for The Robot Queen).

Ratigan [edit]

The Secret LairFlaversham's Toy ShopBig BenBuckingham Palace

Villain deck
5 Copies:Gears
3 Copies:CaptureRuffians
2 Copies: DeviousExtravagantGreatest Criminal MindMarvelous TrapUniform
1 Copy: AirshipBartholomewBellFeliciaFidgetFidget's ListRoyal RobesThe Robot QueenTools

Fate deck
3 Copies: Queen's Guards
2 Copies: Call for HelpSabotage
1 Copy: BasilDawsonFlavershamMakeshift BalloonMrs. JudsonOliviaThe Mouse QueenToby
