Disney Villainous Wiki

Sandy Claws is a Prisoner in Oogie Boogie's Fate deck. He starts the game in Oogie Boogie's Lair.


Sandy Claws isn't really a Fate card, as he starts off on the board. Since he's not a tile like Rapunzel or Buzz Lightyear, this has the effect of shrinking Oogie Boogie's Fate deck by one, meaning you are marginally more likely to get the Fate pick you need, and it is marginally quicker to reshuffle his Fate deck.

Oogie Boogie [edit]

Halloween TownTrio's TreehouseThe GraveyardOogie Boogie's Lair

Villain deck
6 Copies: Impostor Sandy Claws
4 Copies: Bats
3 Copies: Loaded DiceMaking Christmastime
2 Copies: SpidersTrick or TreatWhat Did Santa Bring You?What Have We Here?
1 Copy: BarrelBathtubIt's a VacationLockShockThis Time, We Bagged Him

Fate deck
4 Copies: Citizens of Halloween Town
2 Copies: DistractionHello, Oogie!
1 Copy: Doctor FinkelsteinJack SkellingtonSallySandy ClawsSet Things RightThe Mayor of Halloween TownZero
