Disney Villainous Wiki

Smash It with a Hammer is an Effect in Yzma's Villain deck.


A great card. Best used in conjunction with Eavesdrop, so you don't accidentally discard Kuzco or a Wrong Lever, but it's also usually fine to play this blind. Great for getting rid of On the Run and Chaca/Tipo.

Yzma [edit]

The PalacePacha's HouseThe JungleMudka's Meat Hut

Villain deck
3 Copies: After Them!EavesdropImperial GuardsSmash It with a Hammer
2 Copies:A Cruel IronyBeauty SleepFake FuneralFerocityFinish the JobRight-Hand ManSuperiorityThe Path That Rocks
1 Copy: DaggerKronk

Fate deck
3 Copies: Beware the Groove
2 Copies: PeasantThe Path of RighteousnessWrong Lever
1 Copy:BuckyChacaChichaKuzcoOn the RunPachaTipo
