Disney Villainous Wiki

Swashbuckler is an Ally in Captain Hook's Villain deck.


This is just a cheap, generic Ally. Play these if you have the Power to spare, discard them if you don't.

Identical cards[]

The following cards in other Villains' decks are functionally the same (ignoring number of copies):

Captain Hook (I2E) [edit]

Jolly RogerSkull RockMermaid LagoonHangman's Tree/Lost Boys' Hideout

Villain deck
3 Copies: Boarding PartyGive Them a ScareSwashbucklerWorthy Opponent
2 Copies:Aye, Aye, Sir!CannonCunning (I2E) • CutlassHook's CaseObsession (I2E) • Pirate Brute
1 Copy: Mr. StarkeyIngenious DeviceNever Land Map/Neverland MapSmee

Fate deck
3 Copies: Pixie Dust
2 Copies: Lost BoysSplitting HeadacheTaunt
1 Copy: JohnMichaelPeter Pan (I2E) • Tick TockTinker Bell (I2E) • Wendy
