Syndrome's Remote is a Remote in Syndrome's Villain deck. It is part of his win condition, being used to destroy Omnidroid v.10.
- This is not an Item, and is not discarded by That Was Totally Wicked.
- This can be moved by the Move an Item or Ally action.
- Syndrome, Syndrome's Remote, and Omnidroid v.10 all need to be in the same location, with the Remote under Syndrome's control (not attached to a Hero) in order to activate the Remote.
- If a Hero other than Jack-Jack is played to Syndrome's Realm, attach Syndrome's Remote to that Hero, even if it's attached to another Hero in Syndrome's Realm.
- When the Hero with Syndrome's Remote is defeated, Syndrome's Remote is returned to Syndrome's control at the bottom of the same location.
If you draw into it, it's best to immediately play it. Omnidroid v.X9 will find it for you anyway later, and it being on the board is better than it being in your discard pile (and potentially reshuffled back in by Omnidroid v.X8, making it take longer to find Major Modifications). Usually you should just play this right to Downtown Metroville, since if by some miracle no Heroes pop out before then, you can just go there and win once you've pulled out the v.10. Once the v.10 is out and you're in your endgame, focus fire all the Heroes that don't have the Remote, so you can use the v.10 as long as you can. You also want to avoid having to nudge the Remote towards the v.10 with your single Move an Item or Ally action, so make use of Identification Please or 15 Years Later/Mirage to make sure they're both in the same location.
Syndrome [edit] |
Locations |
Villain deck |
Fate deck |
Unique mechanics |
Types of Cards [edit] |
Unique Types |