Disney Villainous Wiki
Disney Villainous Wiki

Transformation is a card type. It is unique to Madam Mim, appearing on both Villain cards and Fate cards. Madam Mim's gameplay involves playing her own Transformations (which act like Allies) to defeat Merlin's (which act like Heroes).

Madam Mim's Transformations are:

Merlin's Transformations are:

Official Rules[]

  • Madam Mim does not have Allies. Instead, she has Transformations - the different forms she takes in the Wizard's Duel against Merlin.
  • Mim's Transformations are counted as Allies for the sake of opponents' Condition cards. For example, Madam Mim's opponents should count the number of Mim Transformations in her Realm to determine how many "Allies" are in her Realm.
  • The Move an Item or Ally action allows you to move a Mim Transformation card to an adjacent location.
  • Merlin's Transformation deck only contains Merlin Transformations.
  • There will always be at least one Merlin Transformation card in Madam Mim's Realm.
  • Once a Merlin Transformation card is defeated, discard the card form your Realm into a separate discard pile just for Merlin Transformation cards. Then, immediately reveal and play a new Merlin Transformation card to the Dueling Ground.
  • If there are no more cards in Merlin's Transformation deck and no Merlin Transformations in Madam Mim's Realm, Madam Mim wins the game.
  • Merlin's Transformations are counted as Heroes for the sake of opponents' Condition cards. For example, Madam Mim's opponents should count the number of Merlin Transformations in her Realm to determine how many "Heroes" are in her Realm.
  • Also, if Madam Mim defeats a Merlin Transformation, this counts as defeating a Hero.
  • The Move a Hero action allows you to move a Merlin Transformation card to an adjacent location.

Cards that refer to Transformations[]

The following cards have Abilities that refer to Transformations:


Apart from the overlapping coverage and reduced Cost of Madam Mim, the only difference between Transformations is their Strengths, which, given their pairing nature, is relevant only for opponents' Conditions. Mim's Transformations all add a Vanquish action to their location, which can either be used for themselves, or a Mim at any other location (provided their corresponding Merlin is also present). Simply play them as you draw them; usually you'll want to play them to Dueling Ground, but it's fine to play them immediately to another location if there's a Merlin there that you can defeat instantly. The ideal situation is having every Mim Transformation at Dueling Ground, then going there for a single turn where you Vanquish every Merlin. Even with Knowledge and Wisdom moving Merlin and returning his Transformations back to their deck, this is still a solid core that your strategy should make perturbations from when necessary.

There is still use in playing Madam Mim after their corresponding Merlin is defeated, as their Vanquish action lets you defeat Merlin more often. This is particularly accurate, and also cheaper than the rest.

Apart from Archimedes, your opponent(s) can never play Merlin directly, so there's not much strategy to be had there. When facing Madam Mim, focus more on discarding her Transformations, and shuffling Merlin back into the deck, but if Knowledge and Wisdom is your best option, try to move a Merlin out of Dueling Ground to stave off.

Madam Mim [edit]

The WoodsMadam Mim's CottageDueling GroundThe Swamp

Villain deck
4 Copies: I'm Not Cheating
3 Copies: A Sporting ChanceAs Big as a HouseBattle of WitsI'll Make the RulesMagnificent, Marvelous, MadWizard's Duel
1 Copy: Chicken MimCrocodile MimElephant MimFox MimPurple Dragon MimRattlesnake MimRhinoceros MimTiger Mim

Fate deck
4 Copies: Knowledge and Wisdom
1 Copy: ArchimedesBird ArthurGerm MerlinMerlin

Merlin Transformation deck
Caterpillar MerlinCrab MerlinGoat MerlinMouse MerlinRabbit MerlinTurtle MerlinWalrus Merlin

Unique mechanics

Types of Cards [edit]

Common Types

Unique Types
