Disney Villainous Wiki

Vanellope von Schweetz is a Hero in King Candy's Fate deck.


  • Conditions and Pay to Race are considered to cost 0 Power when revealed.
  • If Vanellope Von Schweetz is defeated, the Racer Token remains. Given that it would require you to replay Ralph's Hero Medal and defeat Wreck-It Ralph all over again to force Vanellope back into your Realm in order to start another race, it is not recommended that you do this.


If you are the Fater: do not play Vanellope! Force King Candy to play her. Once the race begins, use Unfinished Level to ensure the Racer token moves as fast as possible.

King Candy [edit]

Sugar Rush Speedway

Villain deck
3 Copies: Candy Cy-BugGlitchGo!Locked Up MemoriesRacersTurbo-Tastic
2 Copies: Have Some CandyOut of OrderThe Most Powerful Virus in the Arcade
1 Copy: Can't Be Allowed to RaceDuncan and WynnchelPay to RaceRalph's Hero MedalSour BillTaffyta Muttonfudge

Fate deck
2 Copies: I Finally Have a Real Car!Just Glazed MePrincess VanellopeUnfinished Level
1 Copy: Fix-It Felix Jr.Sergeant Tamora Jean CalhounThe BeaconVanellope von SchweetzVanellope's MedalWhat's With All the Magic Sparkles?Wreck-It Ralph
