Disney Villainous Wiki

Worthy Opponent is an Effect in Captain Hook's Villain deck. It is one way he has to manipulate his Fate deck in order to bring out Peter Pan.


Until Peter Pan is played, you should play this card at every opportunity. The sooner Peter Pan comes out of the Fate deck, the sooner you can win. The extra Power doesn't hurt, either.

Previous versions[]

First printing.

Captain Hook (I2E) [edit]

Jolly RogerSkull RockMermaid LagoonHangman's Tree/Lost Boys' Hideout

Villain deck
3 Copies: Boarding PartyGive Them a ScareSwashbucklerWorthy Opponent
2 Copies:Aye, Aye, Sir!CannonCunning (I2E) • CutlassHook's CaseObsession (I2E) • Pirate Brute
1 Copy: Mr. StarkeyIngenious DeviceNever Land Map/Neverland MapSmee

Fate deck
3 Copies: Pixie Dust
2 Copies: Lost BoysSplitting HeadacheTaunt
1 Copy: JohnMichaelPeter Pan (I2E) • Tick TockTinker Bell (I2E) • Wendy
